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Province Announces Multiple Units As-of-Right Across BC

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

New legislation will allow up to six units per single-family or duplex lot.

Infill housing, like this fourplex proposed in Moody Centre, will now be permitted on all single-family and duplex lots across BC.

On November 1, the Provincial government announced new legislation that will permit multiple housing units on all lots currently zoned for single-family or duplex uses. The biggest change will come in municipalities with populations over 5,000, where 3-6 units will be allowed in multiplex or townhouse forms. Smaller communities will be required to permit laneway homes and/or secondary suites on every lot.

​Smaller Communities (<5,000)

​Laneway Houses and/or Secondary Suites

​Larger Communities (>5,000)

​Lot Size <280 sm

3 units

​Lot Size >280 sm

4 units

Lot Size >280 sm & close to transit stops

6 units

Parking requirements will also decrease closer to public transportation service, and will be eliminated completely within 400 m of frequent transit stops.

As part of the announcement, Public Hearings will also be waived for Rezoning applications that are OCP-compliant.

More information the Province's announcement can be found here:

To stay up to date on the latest news regarding this announcement and implementation across Metro Vancouver, email

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